Ambleside Year 12 Planning Post

I’ve been planning for Year 12 and thinking about the year ahead generally: choosing books, praying for wisdom; trying to discern what is best and committing it all to the Lord.
I find it very refreshing to read Charlotte Mason’s words in A Philosophy of Education:

Some men take naturally to learning, and will struggle manfully with their Latin grammar, and Cicero, their Euclid and trigonometry. Happy they! But the general conclusion remains, that for men and women of all ages, all classes, and all complexions of mind, Letters are an imperative and daily requirement to satisfy that universal mind-hunger, the neglect of which gives rise to emotional disturbances, and, as a consequence, to evils that dismay us.’

Earlier on Miss Mason mentions ‘Litterae Humaniores’ and goes in to say that Letters are the proper vehicle of ALL knowledge.

A knowledge of ‘Letters’ is the instilling of:

‘Men and their motives, the historical sequence of events, principles for the conduct of life, in fact, practical philosophy…

These things…are the gathered harvests of many seasons’ sowing of poetry, literature, history.’

We’ve had many seasons of sowing and have gathered some harvests but education is an act of faith in many respects and harvests don’t all come at once or overnight. Sometimes we have to wait and the train is a long time coming!

I’ve prayed for wisdom at different times but then doubted that I had any! I was reading through the Book of James alongside Tom Wright’s ‘Early Christian Letters for Everyone,’ and commenting on Chapter 1: 5-8 he says, ‘The challenge of faith is the challenge not to be a wave.’

‘Waves are what happens when wind and tide take hold of the waters that are there all the time and make them dance to their tune…

A fine sight; the waves seem to have character and energy of their own. But they don’t. They are the random products of other forces.

Learning who God really is and what he’s truly like – and reminding ourselves of it regularly – is the key to it all. Without that, you’ll be double-minded, swept this way one minute and that way the next. You’ll just be another wave.’

And what has all this to do with a Year 12 Planning post, you may well ask? Well, the challenge is not to be a wave, controlled by random forces. 🙂

Ask for wisdom

Don’t be lazy; keep your own brain active; do your homework

Know why you are doing what you are doing

Don’t be swayed by the latest new curriculum if you are making progress with what you already have

That’s probably enough for one post. I’ll be following this up with the books we’ll be using this year with our modified AmblesideOnline Year 12.

10 thoughts on “Ambleside Year 12 Planning Post

  1. Timely reading for me, thanks Carol! I look forward to the next post.


    On Sun, 9 Jan 2022, 4:52 pm journey & destination, wrote:

    > journey & destination posted: ” I’ve been planning for Year 12 and > thinking about the year ahead generally: choosing books, praying for > wisdom; trying to discern what is best and committing it all to the Lord.I > find it very refreshing to read Charlotte Mason’s words in A Philosophy” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 30 years! my word! congratulations on your undoubtedly successful efforts… i don’t know much about home schooling, but it’s got to be a lot better than the official type…


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